Fashion. An expression of self. An art form. A way to show yourself and the people around you who you are.
It’s impressive how many of us are finally gaining the confidence to wear who we are.
The people of Perth are more often venturing out in public wearing the clothes they have normally locked away, gathering dust in the hopes that one day they can drag them out to wear to an APPROPRIATE event. Hooray for Perth! congratulations on this wondrous realisation.

So this week my top 10 fashion tips are:
- Anything topped off with a bold corset. But please ladies, wear to your body size! If you’re of a larger build avoid over the top frilly skirts poking out of a corset 3 sizes too small.
- Black is back. But try to break it up with a splash of colour even if it’s just a bright accessory :)
- Shirt dresses! Love them! But be careful to pick a shape that suits you these can easily become a don't.
- Boots. They will always look hot, but remember we aren't in a scene from "Pretty woman". Dress to impress ladies, don't give away the whole package.
- Rock chick styles. Studs, faux leather, denim shorts {Please no pockets hanging out}, skinny leg jeans, military style jackets and rock print shirts topped with a cool pair of dark sunnies. Hot no matter what your build. (IMAGE - Me and Iballa Chantelle-Creptter Children, Made her own rock outfit. Chrome spandex is back. Just use it wisely ;)
- Vintage. If you've got the figure, flaunt it. Larger ladies stick to vintage accessories, not garments.
- Skinny chicks. Gotta love those tights and long shirts that almost pass as dresses, you’re lookin fab in the city girls.
- Punk chick. If you’re under 18 and rockin a frilly black skirt with studded belt, tartan/rock print shirt, wrist bands and messy hair, you’re looking cute. However if you’re over 18, its not as hot as you think, you can keep the accessories but change the garments, maybe skinny black jeans and a rock print shirt? (see 5.)
- Posh dress. Fitted business-like dresses with hot little heals and your hair up. Very swanky, however do try to remember there is such a thing as "Too short"
- Arab pants. Worn well they can look fantastic. Combine with a tightly fitted or layered top.

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