This woman is just fascinating! All the things I plan on doing, she is doing now. Small world :) Absolutly love her concepts. So very much like me. . .

Interview with Elisha From "The Butcher and The Crow"
Has this always been your passion?
Fashion designing? no, but it was my first. its has wavered from time to time and i have gone off and studied other things but i always come back to it.
Hobbies. When your not designing what do you do with your time?
when i am designing im normally working on a studio space and art gallery that i am trying to get up and running.
What inspires you? what is your muse?
the hidden things.
What would you describe is your personal style?
jeans and a Tshirt - theres never very much thought. 
Can you tell me a little bit about your fabric dyeing? i learnt the process when i was in japan studying fashion its called shibori. its when you fold and stitch the fabric to create a resist in a dye bath.
Where did you study? What is your fashion background?
i started off at curtin doing fine arts then made the decision to switch to fashion in my 3rd year. so i then completed another 2 years doing fashion at curtin. after 2 years i the took a year off and went to Tafe to learn pattern making and i took up a boot making traineeship at the same time. went back in 2009 and completed my degree and graduated.
When did you start taking serious steps towards your career?
i don't think there was ever a conscious decision. i actually wanted to take a year off after i graduated but i got evolved in a fashion show called jail house frock which then lead me to entering perth fashion festival which then got stockists interested in my work and it all just snow balled from there.
Was there a turning point were it all started to fit into place?
.... its still yet to come.
Describe a highlight of your career?
my career is in its early stages and i still have my moments but i think the highlight is actually realising things aren't impossible.
Were there any unfavourable moments?
theres been many, days without sleep trying to get orders out, manufacturing mishaps. but its all apart of it and i wouldn't change it
Any advice you'd like to share with aspiring designers?
say yes to everything, things normally happen for the better.Hope thats ok, if you have any further questions dont hesitate to email.